Monday, January 24, 2011

Let's get steamy

This past weekend saw the Steampunk Exhibition Ball here in Seattle, so I thought I would use that as impetus to kick off a more steamy variety of gnomepunk items. Be prepared, gentle reader, for an invasion of robo-gnomes!

But before we jump into that, here's an item that fits right in with our current theme, while not specifically robotic:

Cool and steampunky, of course, with the requisite combination of wood, brass, coiled wires, and unidentifiable bits of mechanics. Now, it is obviously a wand, but this not the kind of wand some English schoolboy would use when dabbling in the Dark Arts. And this is not just a generic steampunk wand, either. It is, according to is maker, a

Gnome Steam Punk Wand 14 1/4 inches One of a Kind OOAK Vegan Friendly.

(emphasis added)

See? If being steampunk, OoaK, and vegan-friendly doesn't make your wand quite cool enough, let people know it was made by gnomes.

That's gnomepunk.

On to robots tomorrow!

I imagine you can still buy this very wand from the Secondhand Sorcery Etsy store.

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