Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Start at the very beginning

You may have gathered from the entries so far that Dungeons and Dragons is a rich source of gnomepunk; we do visit the D&D well frequently here, although that is certainly not our only source. This week's theme of gnome-robots will range quite broadly, actually, but once again we are going to dip into a D&D tome, specifically an early edition of the Monster Manual:

It seems that this started off with a great gnomepunky concept and then went awry. I can't say it better than Head Injury Theater did: "The 'robot gnome' part I get. The weird V is for Vendetta fetish mask is what makes me cry at night."

What were they thinking?

Autognome is included in a wonderful retrospective of the AD&D Monster Manual done by Head Injury Theater.

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