Sunday, January 23, 2011

Out of the deep

Let's end this week with something within the theme, but a little different:

I can't tell you much about this guy, because the website about him was in French, but here are Goggle translations of two parts of the description:

"... muscular, gnarled, wide shoulders.
Large head, heavily dented forehead. Hair and beard as thick as iron filings. . Skin very dark, almost as "black as pitch." Eye at once piercing and dreamy. As a result of crosses with the bad spirits, gnomes have been changed in appearance and expression of their character...

"Gnomes had the gift of penetrating the mind of all creatures animate and inanimate..."

All I can say is terrifiant. Which is what Google told me was how to say creepy in French. But then it told me that awesome was how to say terrifiant in English. So I guess I'll just call it gnomepunk.

This terrifiant gnome can be found on Le Domaine d'Isegoris. Whatever that is.

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