Monday, January 17, 2011

Going deep

The aesthetic sensibilities of gnomepunk aside, it isn't always necessary to wear goggles in order to be a badass gnome. Take this dude, for example:

Nothing says "don't mess with me" louder than taking out an ogre with your recurve bow and then calmly roasting a bowl while leaning on his corpse. How gnomepunk is that? Man, I'll bet nobody makes fun of this guy's hat twice.

This week we'll be looking at a group of gnomes sans goggles who can nonetheless bring the hurt and the spooky at the same time: deep gnomes, or svirfneblin. While few gnomes could match today's featured player for sheer audacity, the deep gnomes are pretty cool, too.

"Kickass Gnome" is a work of DeviantArt by Firecrow.

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