Sunday, January 16, 2011

I called my mom...

So, as news of the perfidy of D&D 4.0 -- that gnomes were being demoted from a player race to a monster race -- spread across the intarwebs, gnomepunk resistance started growing (see t-shirt in the previous entry). In an effort to explain or justify their decision, the Powers That Be at D&D released the following short film as part of their PR campaign leading up to the release of the new edition.

Clearly an attempt to trivialize and belittle the mighty gnome, this nefarious scheme doesn't work. First of all, our boy comes across as much more appealing than the bitchy Tiefling with whom he shares the stage. And secondly, this guys is so cool he doesn't need goggles - his eyes are goggles! How gnomepunk is that?!

The propaganda plan backfired and the fourth edition gnome became a YouTube sensation. Even now, more than three years after his initial appearance -- a lifetime on the internet -- a Google video search for simply "gnome" puts this clip on the first page of hits. The little guy became a fan favorite, and the clamor did not die down until the release of the Player's Handbook 2 in March 2009, which restored gnomes as one of the player races.

As we have been saying: don't mess with the gnome.

The YouTube channel for WizardsDnD is here.

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