Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Upper and lower

Here's our first rendition of deep gnomes, just to get us oriented:

The blond dude topside is a regular ol' gnome, which means he's just mainstream awesome. Look at him: taking on two lizard-guys, and leaving his sword sheathed - so he can blast them with some sort of raygun! (It must be a raygun because there isn't enough detail in the hammer assembly for it to be the more era-appropriate flintlock or matchlock it resembles.) How gnomepunk is that?!

The darker gal hurdling those rocks on the underside of the hill is our svirfneblin. Check her out: spiky haircut, armored bracer, and what looks like a Utilikilt, about to lay the kibosh on two unsuspecting lizard-guys with a nasty axe.

Deep gnomes are not just punk, they're harsh.

This depiction of gnomes is from the Anphillia Forgotten Realms forum.

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