Monday, January 31, 2011

Goggle Week begins

For our next series, we are going to strike deep into the heart of gnomepunk: goggles. Nothing say steampunk like goggles, and nobody wears goggles like a gnome wears goggles. Across the board, the gnome is your go-to character for tinkerer, engineer, inventor, alchemist or mad scientist - and everyone knows you can't tink, engineer, invent, alchemate, or sciencize without goggles. Well, maybe you can, but you sure as heck won't look as good!

So let's kick things off right, with tough little guy who'll go upside your head off with his pipe wrench if you try messing with his sprockets.

What's that aroma I smell? It's the pungent tang of hot burning gnomepunk!

Tinkmaster Overspark is an image from the World of Warcraft Trading Card Game.

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