Thursday, January 20, 2011

Deep leapin'

Okay, I'll be completely honest with you:
I have no idea what's going on with this version of the Deep Gnome.

First of all, we've got the insectoid eyebrows going on - that's new. I think it works with the double-earrings, though.

Then we've got the studded, elbow-length fingerless gloves - that's pretty gnomepunk, as are those big straps across her abdomen and the shoulder- and belt-pouches. So far, so cool.

But what's with the O-ring halter-top and the bell-bottoms? Is this disco-gnome?

I'm just gonna tell myself she stole that outfit after being caught naked except for her gloves.

Otherwise, I got nothin'.

Apparently, illustrator Jeremy McHugh was just following orders when he created this Golarion gnome for the Pathfinder RPG. He really does fine work, all kidding aside.

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